Trade Resources Industry Knowledge No Matter How Little Space Outside of Your Property

No Matter How Little Space Outside of Your Property

No matter how small the outside space of your property - be it a domestic or commercial building - cleverly designed lighting could not only immeasurably enhance its look from a purely aesthetic point of view, but could also offer valuable saving and security opportunities.

Once the sun has set, lighting can create a beautiful ambiance in gardens. With long summer nights not too far around the corner, people may want to have a think about what lighting they could install to show off any landscaping in its best light when sitting outside with a glass of wine and drinking in the summer nights with friends.

The Saxby Stainless Steel Ground Spike is a modern yet tasteful ground light which can sit in flower beds or to the edge of lawns. With an adjustable housing, people can direct the light making it ideal to highlight specific features of the garden, such as certain trees, plants or garden ornaments.

Lighting the exterior of a property also makes sense from a security point of view, as troublemakers are far less likely to carry out their dealings if they are unable to do so by the cover of darkness. Our Endon Light Wall Lantern could be the perfect, robust fitting to sit on the outside of a porch to ensure security at night.

Not only that, but lights can be manipulated to turn on and off without the need for a switch, sensing when somebody is present, which further reduces energy consumption and thereby saves on costs.

Halogen bulbs may be a more affordable option for outdoor lighting in the short term and emit a slightly more natural light. However, the bulbs do not last as long (5,000 hours) as, say, an LED counterpart (50,000 hours), which would provide not only greater longevity, but a brighter light and less energy consumption.

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Topics: Lighting