The machine that separates floating particles from liquids or from other liquids is referred to as a skimmer. The purpose of using these oil skimmers is to separate the oil from the water. This technology of separating the oil and pollutants from the water proves useful in industries. It helps in remedying oil spills as well from cleaning machine tool coolants and part washers that frequently get contaminated with oil.
The oil skimmers can be classified as weir, non-oleophilic and oleophilic r types. A weir in the skimmer allows the oil to float it to collect the oil present in the liquid. The height of this weir can be adjusted to collect the oil and once it is removed, water is collected in this container. Weir skimmers can be adjusted and are available in floating variants and used efficiently when the levels of water have to be changed. This self adjustment feature helps to remove thick or thin layers of pollutants or oils. They are light weight and can be easily transported in response to emergency oil spill situations or when permanent installation is required. It is user-friendly and only one person is required to handle the functioning.
The function of the oleophilic skimmer is to rotate the drum or any element that is used to make the oil adhere. The components can be drum, disc, tube, belt, mop, grooved disc, brush or grooved drum. The oil is collected from the surface by wiping it off the drum. This type of functioning is effective as very little water may be picked up even where there is absence of oil found in the liquid. The components used make a difference in the collection of the oil. These include drums, discs and ropes that are manufactured to stick to the oil or a substance is used to treat the oil. These types of oil skimmers are recommended for temporary or permanent installations.
The Non-oleophilic skimmer does the same work of separating oil from the water. The distinctive difference is the component used for carrying out this separation. A drum, belt or metal disc is used to handle the aqueous washer when it is alkaline and hot. The water collected during this process can be minimized by shutting off the skimmer when no traces of oil are notices. These types of metal skimming elements prove as effective as oleophilic skimmers for removal of oil.
The hand held skimmer can also be used for recovering pollutants and oil in areas such as sumps, drains and manholes where there is restriction to access. These skimmers are handy as they are light in weight and can be used in small areas where it is difficult to reach. The self priming pump is a type of suction machine that can be used in emergencies when oil spill is evident. The performance of the suction is commendable. It can be used successfully during dry suction as it does not harm the machine. The design is simple and proves to be durable and effective.