Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Some Simple Steps to Reduce Tangles and to Keep Your Wig Looking Attractive and Smooth

Some Simple Steps to Reduce Tangles and to Keep Your Wig Looking Attractive and Smooth

The fibers used to make synthetic wigs can be very realistic-looking unless the wig becomes tangled and kinky -- a common problem with these hairpieces. It is usually the ends of the wig that will begin to show signs of losing the smooth, realistic texture the wig had when you first bought it. However, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce kinks and tangles and to keep your wig looking attractive and smooth.

Synthetic Wigs & How to Keep Them From Getting Kinky


Watch how your wig makes contact with items in your everyday surroundings. Significant amounts of tangling can occur when your wig rubs against the back of your work or car seat. Kinks can also form if the wig hair is constantly rubbing against your collar. To lessen this effect, drape a satin scarf across the back of your seat. You can also vary your wig's style to keep the hair away from rough surfaces. For instance, alternate between wearing it down and wearing an "updo" to give the fibers a break from contact with your clothing.

Use products designed especially for synthetic hair. Shampoos, conditioners, detanglers and other styling products that are made for human hair should not be used on your wig. These products can strip away the finish of the synthetic fibers and lead to dullness, kinkiness and tangles.

Treat your wig with care after washing it. Gently blot excess water from the wig with a towel. Do not scrub or wring it out. Next, hang your wig on a wig stand to dry. Allowing the hair to hang free in this manner may cause fewer tangles than laying it flat or using other methods to dry it.

Detangle your wig correctly. Never attempt to comb, brush or style a synthetic wig while it is still wet. Once your wig is completely dry, spray it lightly with a sheen or detangling spray, and then comb through it gently with a wide-toothed comb with rubber tips, beginning at the edges and working toward the crown. If your wig has spiral curls or dreads, do not attempt to comb it through, as this will destroy the style.

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Synthetic Wigs & How to Keep Them From Getting Kinky
Topics: Arts & Crafts