If you work in the field of architecture, technology and design you may be familiar with TED. Surprisingly TED has actually been around for a long time, well nearly 30 years and ?in 2014 will celebrate their 30 year anniversary. To celebrate this monumental event the folks at TED will be holding the 2014 conference in Vancouver, Canada. It will recap several advancements related to design, technology and architecture from the last three decades.
Source Google Play
If you have always wanted to talk on TED Talks, this is your chance! They are looking for 18 minute multimedia presentations that will quickly encompass the most important architectural developments of the last 30 years, as well as summarize where the architectural field is headed. The deadline to submit your proposal is June 30, 2013.
Here are some of the basic guidelines to creating your proposals and presentations relating to architecture:
individuals or teams are accepted, but only one person can talk on the stage the ideal presentation will?be highly visual geared toward an audience of interested generalists help non-architects grasp the most important changes in the field show the audience what the built world looked like in 1984 show the world what it looks like now how we got from 1984 to now and where we are (or should be) heading