Hands-free baby bottles provide parents the opportunity to bottle feed their babies while driving, shopping or pushing them in a stroller. Hands-free baby bottles work very much like a sippy cup, except a straw attaches to a nipple rather than a cup spout. These bottles have been touted as helping prevent colic, gas and ear infections because your baby stays upright while feeding.
Check the tubing to make sure it doesn't pull out easily. Some hands-free bottle designs prevent the tubing from coming out, while other designs allow for the tubing to release if pulled hard enough. If the tubing releases, your baby can't eat, and you'll have a mess.
Look for a nipple that traps the liquid inside. Read the product information to check for back flow. Back flow causes the liquid to move back into the bottle and empties the nipple. This may cause your baby to suck air, which can cause gas.
Determine if the hands-free system works with all brands of baby bottles and nipples. Some hands-free bottle companies sell nipples specifically for their bottle design, and nothing else works. These custom nipples and bottles usually cost more and must be special ordered.
Inspect the bottle design for a clip attachment that lets you use the bottle on a stroller or car seat. Without a clip, you'll be forced to create a way for your baby to balance the bottle on their lap so they can eat.
Get a hands-free bottle system that's dishwasher safe. The tubing and nipples may need hand washing.
Read reviews on websites or consumer magazines about hands-free baby bottles. Websites provide customer reviews that give first-hand experiences with particular brands of hands-free bottles.