Philips Lighting, they always seem to be on the forefront of making lighting history. Philips designs light bulbs, ballasts and even electrical accessories, but beyond that they have created a very large design array that allow light to assist in healing, growing and illuminating.
Images Courtesy of Lumiblade OLED Experience
Light although most commonly not noticed is actually a very important and indispensable part of our home lives and workplace. Light does not only affect how we feel (i.e. tense or relaxed) but it can also improve our well-being and stimulate productivity.
So with all of this in mind, Philips is making lighting history by creating an entirely new form of light, leaving that other lighting in the shadows. So what is it?
“Lumiblade is OLED lighting at Philips. Lumiblade is a large-area diffuse light source. Unlike incandescent bulbs, which generate light by passing electricity through a wire, or fluorescent lamps, which pass current through a gas, OLED lighting works by passing electricity through one or more extremely thin layers of organic semiconductor material.” – Philips Lumiblade OLED -
Video: Philips Lumiblade 2012