Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Idea of Adding Light to People's Special Places and Celebrations

Idea of Adding Light to People's Special Places and Celebrations

Tags: Light, Lighting

We love light, we think about it, we design it, we even dream about it. So why not add it to your special places and celebrations? Using light to accentuate space has been around since humans could afford the luxury of moving past more than just the necessities. The Hanging Lighted Branchy Starbursts by Roost do just that.

Roost's Branch Starbursts: Celebrate with Light

The outward celebration of Roost’s starburst design features delicate limbs with tiny white LED light bulbs at the end of the floral-tape wrapped wires. This down to earth design has the capacity to blend in and illuminate your space with an ethereal glow.

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Roost's Branch Starbursts: Celebrate with Light
Topics: Lighting