With so much going on in the world, emergency shelter designs are on the rise. ?Designers from all over are working to meet the needs for light weight, compact and easy to use shelters. Three years ago marks the date of Melbourne's first Emergceny Shelter Expedition. An architectural firm from Sydney, Australia has gathered some attention?for their conformable geometric cocoon like structures.
Source Woods Bagot
A quote from the designer's Woods Bagot's YouTube Channel:
"The folded home team set out to create more than simply shelter from the elements," says Woods Bagot's Brett Simmonds. "We explored the idea of 'shelter' in its purest form and realised that humans have a basic need to add meaning to their surroundings. From the earliest cave art to the most inspired interior design today, people need to reflect who they are and their personal situation. This process transforms the 'shelter' into a 'home' and it is this transformative process that we have tried to capture with folded home. Flexibility has been integrated into the design with ability to transform folded home into whatever the user requires, be it privacy, the creation of family groups or the recreation of communities."
Source Woods Bagot
This marks the third year of Melbourne's Emergency Shelter Exhibition, where various firms submit their shelter plans and the build and execute the plans in real life at the exhibition. Woods Bagot's primary emergency shelter designs stem from these ideas: