The designer Nigel Coates is well known for his unorthodox approach to lighting design. His light sculptures are not only engaging but artistic adventures in the realm of design and exploration.
One of Coates most recent lighting designs was made for Terzani and bears the name the Angel Falls Chandelier. Just as it sounds, this visual interpretation explores what it may like if angels began dropping from the sky and became suspended in midair. The hanging translucent design of the chandelier's hand made crystal figurines suggest that angels are light, carefree, and otherworldly.
The formations in which the angels fall/hang are customizable and illuminated by halogen or led lamps. This chandelier is sure to stir up some conversation with your friends and family. Bringing forth possible causes as to why the angels began to fall from the heavens. The designer's original intentions were to provoke such conversations, and in the end leaving the viewers with their own assessment of this spiritual?phenomenon.