There are a growing number of different types of rolling mill equipments.The most simplistic classification of rolling mill equipments is based upon temperature-cold rolling or hot rolling.Each of these mill equipments are designed to achieve a different set of goals through a different set of processes.
Cold rolling is a process in which occurs when the metal is below its recrystallization temperature.This is done to improve both the strength and the strain hardening significantly.It's may also result in a better surface finish and improved tolerances.In most cases,cold rolled products are smaller than similar products which are hot rolled.This is because cold rolling is not able to reduce the thickness of a workpiece to a large extent.
There are two different types of rolling mill equipments which can be used during the rolling process.They are a cold rolling mill and skin pass mill.Cold rolling mills are often broke down into three different categories.The first is 2 High Mills which are primarily used when the rolling application is a fairly large diameter.They are most commonly used for the reduction rolling of softer materials or materials with a narrow with.
The second is 4 High Mills which are a combination of work role and backup roll diameters.This allows for the rolling of harder in wider materials over a greater range of thickness.Of all of the different types of mill equipment,4 High Mills are considered to be the general-purpose option.The final choice is 6 High Mills.They are similar to 4 High Mills with the added benefit of improved shape control.
Skin pass mills are a type of cold rolling mill equipments which are specifically tailored for when the rolling create specific metallurgical properties or surface conditions.They are often included in galvanizing lines.
Hot rolling mill equipments create a process in which the metalworking takes place above the recrystallization temperature of the material.Hot rolling is considered to process more tonnage than any other manufacturing process.Depending upon the size of the operation,the starting material is either fed directly into the mill at the correct temperature or begins at room temperature and must be heated.It is easy to tell when the finished product is of a high quality because the service will be covered in an oxide which forms at high temperatures known as mill scale.Once removed,it will reveal a smooth surface.
While the different types of rolling mill equipments can be broken down into a number of subclasses,the basic delineation is based upon whether they are involved with cold rolling or hot rolling.From there,it will be easier to choose a specific technology to a specific task or process.