As more and more people become increasingly aware of their own ecological responsibility - both in terms of their working and personal life - individuals are paying far more attention to their carbon footprint than they used to.
All too often, people might feel like they are a little fish in a very big global pond and that any of their efforts will prove so insignificant that they are bordering on pointless, but that could not be further from the case.
The Technology Strategy Board has published an analysis of properties in its own Retrofit for the Future programme, which reveals some extremely promising results about how much of a difference a bit of carbon-reducing retrofitting can make. The programme comprised 100 homes across the UK, of which the analysis looked at 37.
It showed that of the homes studied, three achieved a reduction in their carbon emissions of over 80 per cent compared with the amount produced around two decades ago. Another 23 of the homes now enjoy a reduction of between 50 and 80 per cent.
The report also showed how valuable savings can be made on bills. The average annual UK energy bill last year was more than £1,250. The seven best-performing houses included in the reported - after their retrofits - boasted annual costs of £374 to £600, with no less warmth and comfort. The figures speak for themselves.
With the government having laid down a challenge for the country to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, it is imperative that homeowners recognise the difference they can make and crack on with their own contribution.
"[The report] demonstrates that the comfort of occupants can be improved at the same time as energy bills are reduced," said Ian Meikle, the Technology Strategy Board’s head of low impact buildings.
Ways people can make their homes more ecologically friendly include adding new and improved insulation, making seals around windows and doors more airtight and installing new indoor or outdoor lighting which runs off more energy-efficient bulbs.