LEDs have come along way, it’s hard to imagine they were once just those annoying bright lights on your everyday electronics that never seemed to burn out or be dim enough to let you sleep. But today, LEDs are taking over the lighting design industry with flair. The LEDs ability to adapt to many different circumstances has opened up countless doorways to new designs, including textiles.
Source Pega Design
In a recent LED design advancement theTaiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI) merged with the electronics industry, the result? LED Yarn! The design teams worked diligently to decide which products would best benefit from this new and exciting lighting discovery.
After some trials and errors and extensive industry evaluation, they realized the nighttime bicyclists were in dire need of illuminating clothing for safety purposes.Hence the emergence of the Light Fairy, a compact rollable, light weight jacket with bright LED yarn on the back that bicyclists can easily pull over their clothing. Brilliant!