Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Introduction of Copper Water Fountain

The Introduction of Copper Water Fountain

Tags: Fountain

Copper is a beautiful metal that has been valued for centuries as beautiful and useful. Copper matches just about any décor and is great for people who already have copper features in their home. A copper fountain can spell out sophisticated tradition or chic, cutting-edge art, depending on the fountain you choose. It's no wonder many people choose copper wall fountains for their homes today.

Copper may be natural or finished. The natural type has lovely variations in color, which ages beautifully overtime from exposure to water. It takes on a green or bluish tint. The finished kind of copper provides a shinier, polished look. It is coated in a clear material that preserves the artists original creation for years to come. Whether you wish for your fountain to age naturally or retain its original look is up to you.

Maintaining a copper fountain is a little trickier than other fountains because you have to be careful what kinds of products you put on the copper. You can polish it with car wax nicely, but be careful not to use copper polish on finished copper, as this will remove the finish. You can also use furniture polish to clean your copper, or simply a wet washcloth will do. Your water fountain shouldn't get very dirty, but wiping off dust occasionally is recommended.

Copper gets darker under direct sunlight. If you do not wish for this to happen, keep your copper fountain indoors or under the shade. Some people do not mind or may even prefer this darker look.

As with other fountains, replace the water every few months to keep it clean. Use distilled water and treat it with a special formula to prevent algae growth. You can purchase this formula at a local pond or garden center. The water will evaporate over time, so add water periodically, perhaps when you water your plants. Keep the fountain clear of debris that may clog the pump. And, as always, locate your fountain where it is not in danger of being bumped or knocked over by someone walking by.

Keeping copper fountains is all a matter of preferences. Consider whether you'd like your fountain to look the same over the years or have a natural, earthy feel that changes beautifully over time. With a little maintenance, your fountain will bring you joy for many years to come. Copper fountains are an excellent choice for the beginner or experienced fountain-keeper.

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How to Keep a Copper Water Fountain
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