Sure there may have been a few challenges during the production of this LED Wedding Ring, but it all pays off in the end. Affixing the stone in an undtradional way proved to be the most difficult, but try to keep in mind that this story began like a fairytale love story. “Once upon a time, a boy met a girl. Then a short amount of time later, the boy decided to design and build a ring for the girl, because doing things in the most complicated way possible is just what he does to show the love. This is that story.” In his blog post he describes his labor of love through this illuminated hand-crafted custom wedding ring.
Source Kokes
Through a series of design drafts the designer Ben Kokes and crew were able to finally narrow down the right wedding ring style that worked, looked better and like it wasn’t “carved with a spoon.” Koke’s final idea included embedding LEDs and a copper coil assembly inside of the titanium ring. This will allow for the illumination of the stones when the ring is in close proximity to the specially designed transmitter.
Source Kokes
Kokes notes describe his design process in both photos and written detail, including when the bride is in close proximity of the groom’s transmitter the lights of the wedding ring shine. For a look at how the wedding ring was made visit: Kokes
Source Kokes
Source Kokes
Source Kokes