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Tags: Bunk Beds, bed

Different Types of Bunk Beds

Buying Bunk Beds:

When choosing a bunk bed for kids, how do you know which type is best for you? Before setting out to buy your kid's bunk bed, remember the three most important rules of furniture buying:

Determine your needs. Get some input from your child, as well.

Determine how much room you have. Remember to measure the ceiling height when shopping for a bunk bed.

Determine your budget.

Basic Bunk Bed:

A basic bunk bed consists of two beds one over the other. It comes in twin bed over another twin bed or a twin bed over a full sized bed. Most basic bunk beds can be taken apart and used as two separate beds, if needed.

Futon Bunk Bed:

The futon bunk bed comes with a lofted bed over a futon. Usually the lofted bed is twin sized, but could be a full sized one, too. This is a multipurpose design which lets you use the futon as a couch during the day. If needed, the futon can be opened up at night to provide another sleeping surface. This is good for sleepovers, or if it is a smaller room and you need the extra floor space during the day.

L-shaped Bunk Beds:

The L-shaped bunk bed is a variation on the basic bunk bed. It has the same amount of sleeping space in a different configuration: the lofted bed is placed at a right angle to the bottom bunk. This configuration will require more floor space than the basic bunk bed, but it can be a good choice when you are not hampered by a lack of space.

Basic Loft:

The basic loft bed gives you a lot of flexibility in designing a child's room. It consists of one loft bed in either twin or full size suspended over an open space. There are so many possibilities with this style. Use the empty space as a study or play area, or put a storage unit underneath.

Junior Lofts:

A junior loft bed is very similar to a basic loft bed, but it is lower to the ground, and more suitable for younger children. Some junior loft beds have added features such as slides and tents to be more play oriented.

Novelty Beds:

Novelty beds may be centered round a theme, such as from a popular movie or book, or simply have brighter colors. These are also lower in height and could have play features such as slides or tents, as they are meant for younger children.

Study Lofts:

Study lofts are a good option for older children. With this kind of bed you can fit in more, into a small area, leaving the rest of the room freed up for other activities. Some study lofts are quite elaborate, and are outfitted for a complete study area.

Triple Bunk Bed:

A triple bunk bed is an L-shaped configuration that is perfect for three children, or to accommodate guests for sleepovers. The third bed is usually lofted and attached to the top bunk bed. This configuration leaves options for using the space under the loft, which can be used for extra seating, or consider putting in a chest of drawers for extra storage.

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Different Types of Bunk Beds
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