Molo presents softseating fanel folding paper stools which are a flexible, compact seating and table design for small and large home, office, commercial and interiors, is designed by Stephanie Forsythe and Todd MacAllen. Fanning paper stools have a minimal, cylindrical honeycomb form that expands from a book-like, compact shape able to neatly fold away on a shelf, in a drawer, or inder other furniture when not in use. A ground breaking design, soft seating was acquired by the Moma in 2007 for their permanent collection on New York, and resides several other collections internationally.
Molo softseating fanning paper stools can create individual cylindrical chairs or expand in straight lines and interconnect to create paper benches. Softseating fanning paper stools have patended, modular magnetic panels on both ends. Which are glued by hand to a flexible honeycomb structure to quickly connect to a cylindrical form to function as a stool, table, display surface etc.
The paper honeycomb structure holds a perfect combination of flexibility, light weight, and strength. The impressive weight bearing capacity of the honeycomb is reinforced with the development of a robust paper for its construction. Along with the construction methods, materials, and design elements that give fanning paper stools their longevity, the aging process of the paper seating has also been considered. As the paper honeycomb seating is used over time, the top layer of paper gently crushes, slowly changing from a crisp geometric form to become a more organic patina.