It is interesting how the right mix of hydrogen and oxygen can be the base of life on our planet.We are talking about water here,of course!However,only a small percentage of water is actually usable by humans for survival.The increasing dangers of pollution to our planet can be a threat to our future prosperity.This is why water testing equipments are vital.
There is a whole list of impurities that may be found in the water we use for everyday purposes.Most of them may be destroyed by basic processes like filtration and boiling.However,for commercial purposes,especially those involving chemicals and acids,one has to ensure the use of only the purest water source available.For this,the tools for water testingare essential.This article will focus on a particular impurity found commonly in water,which is known as total dissolved solids(TDS).
What is TDS?
As the name suggests,TDS refers to solids like minerals,metals,salts,anions or cations that dissolve and mix in water.Along withthe ones mentioned here,anything apart from the actual elements of hydrogen and oxygen in water are also included in the list.Generally,these are referred to as the sum of cations and anions,which are positive and negative ions in water.
How May it Harm?
Pure water has zero conductivity,but with the addition of charged ions,it becomes a conductor.This may affect the liquid in many ways,mainly its effect on taste of water and health of the consumer.It may have a salty,bitter or metallic taste.This is a sign of toxins being present,resulting in negative health effects for humans.Additionally,you may not be able to use it for other domestic purposes,as it may become hard.For commercial application,water polluted with TDS may stop or slow down functions of certain processes or corrode metals and machine parts.
How to test for TDS in Water?
To get the right kind of readings while testing water,ensure that you first remove the excessive water from the container or tank.When you dip awater-testing instrument,gently tap it against the side of the container and stir to remove any bubbles.Finally,when you are taking the readings,position the meter straight,without touching the container's sides or bottom,and suspend it close to the center of the water sample.Lastly,place it for a considerable amount of time in the water having a temperature close to 25 degree Celsius for accurate readings.
While carrying out water analysis,ensure that your testing instrument or filtration systems deal effectively with TDS.