Lamps made from dresses, like the best of both worlds! The Milan based premier hotel Maison Moschino has been known to incorporate dreamy features into its chic rooms. In fact some of their main design philosophies include these magical quotations: “What happens when you dream inside of a dream ”
Source: Pinterest
Just these words alone have prompted for dreamy decor to be talked about by travelers all around the world. Have you visited… they have the most dreamy decor. The evolution of dream design has created hotel spaces “where sensory designed spaces add a touch of illusory fantasy to the interior – oversized dresses covering entire beds, forest trees growing in sleeping areas.”
Source: Booking
The “Classic” rooms are located on four floors of the Maison Moschino, with each room reflecting Maison Moschino’s original and eccentric Moshino style. This isn’t just some throw everything together type of room, in fact each “Classic” room has a story behind it, or rather an unconventional fairytale story.
Source: Booking
Source: Booking
Source: Booking
Source: Booking