Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Night-Time Lighting Switch-off in a Bid to Slash The Areas' Operational Costs

Night-Time Lighting Switch-off in a Bid to Slash The Areas' Operational Costs

As more and more councils look for ways to reduce their spending, South Gloucestershire Council has announced that Oldbury and Olveston will be joining its night-time lighting switch-off in a bid to slash the areas' operational costs.

The region-wide scheme - which has already helped the area save £90,000 since 2008 and cut its carbon emissions by 12 per cent - will see the majority of street lights in these two villages turned off between midnight and 05:00, the Gazette reported.

This follows recent news that Flintshire County Council is to shave £50,000 off its lighting bills via various initiatives, including dimming some lights between 22:00 and 06:00 and switching others off if they are located on rural and non-residential A-roads and industrial estates.

Councillor for Severn Ward Matthew Riddle expressed his delight that the project was being extended to these two locations. "It's clear that the principle of switching off unnecessary street lights for part of the night in order to conserve energy, save money and cut light pollution is supported," he added.

Nevertheless, he also highlighted the importance of ensuring that people's security is not compromised and, for this reason, urged both parish councils and residents alike to get in touch with authorities to let them know of areas where lights need to stay on.

While switching off lights is the obvious way to cut back on energy consumption, individuals looking to slash their bills at home may like to consider installing some dimmers - for the same reason that Flintshire County Council is turning down the intensity of some of its own lights.

In the sitting room, dimming the ceiling spotlights could actually improve the ambiance of the room if you have settled down to watch a film, for example. In dining areas, when you want to create a moody atmosphere but perhaps candles will not provide enough light, some dimmable ceiling light fittings may be the perfect solution.

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Oldbury and Olveston to Join Night Light Switch-off
Topics: Lighting