Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Users and Their Supporting Engineers Need Appropriate Knowledge

Users and Their Supporting Engineers Need Appropriate Knowledge

Fire safety legislation places considerable responsibility on all those involved in designing, installing and manufacturing emergency lighting systems, to meet fire safety risk assessments.

Users and their supporting engineers need appropriate knowledge of the legislation, relevant standards and product practices to ensure that requirements are correctly implemented. They also have to complete documentation to be able to demonstrate their systems conform to the requirements.

A Guide to Emergency Lighting - Second Edition, helps users and designers, installation and maintenance engineers understand the legislative demand to provide appropriate emergency lighting systems to assist occupants to leave premises safely. It covers all aspects of the selection, design, installation, maintenance and testing of battery powered emergency lighting systems. This new edition has been updated to assist those engineers wishing to protect occupants from the hazards identified by risk assessments and has also been expanded to give guidance to protect occupants from sudden loss of the normal lighting supply.

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2012 a Guide to Emergency Lighting
Topics: Lighting