Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Introduction of Magnetic Drive Pump

The Introduction of Magnetic Drive Pump

A magnetic drive pump is slightly different from a conventional mechanical shaft pump in that it functions with a drive magnet driving the rotor of it. A seal-less magnetic pump comprises a coaxial magnetic coupling between the motor and the wetted portion of the pump. The drive magnet is attached at the end of the motorEUR(TM)s shaft, and the impeller is attached to another magnet. As the drive magnet rotates, the impeller also spins simultaneously.

These pumps do not comprise drive seals hence they offer leakage-free fluid pumping performance. Pumping applications that involve hazardous fluids, aggressive fluids, or volatile liquids, can be easily transferred using this pumping technology. Such pumps are also used in non-industrial applications such as water fountains where a regular pump might present an electric shock hazard. Mag-drive pumps also present another advantageEUR"they are not susceptible to easy wear and tear.

Here are some industry wise applications of a magnetic pump:

Chemical industry

Transporting or pumping corrosive chemicals such as halogenated solutions, bromine solutions, HCL, nitric acid etc need a completely leak-proof pumping solution. Mag-drive turbine pumps are also useful in handling processes with entrained gases. Applications where high purity fluids need to be transferred from tanks and drums also stand to benefit from it.

Petrochemical industry

Refineries have a very stringent set of rules for transferring and pumping fluids. Depending on the nature of each application, pumps from high to moderate flow centrifugals can be chosen. If the substance to be pumped is highly acidic in nature, polypropylene pumps can be a better choice than all-metallic pumps. These pumps are also suitable for use in oil refineries. They can be applied for pumping substances such as: hydrocarbons, sulfuric acid, ethanol, benzene, and so on.

Water treatment sector

The water treatment sector needs pumping solutions that are entirely free of rust or metal ions and particles. Pre-treatment of R.O. water, pure rinse applications, gray water treatment, de-ionized water applications stand to benefit from the use of a non-metallic pump such as one made from PVDF or polypropylene components.

Non-metallic are made from special non-corrosive thermoplastics that can withstand applications involving corrosive or caustic fluids. In fact, there is a special magnetic pump range that is designed especially for use in applications that have process temperatures as low as -200 degrees centigrade.

The only care that needs to be taken with mag-drive pumps is that they need to be used sparingly with liquids that that contain ferrous particles. These ferrous particles tend to stick to impeller magnet and could affect its performance over time.

When investing in a magnetic pump, it is important to ensure that it is made using the most robust machined components and materials. The engineering acumen behind a pump determines its durability and performance.

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Magnetic Drive Pump and Their Industrial Applications
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