Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Makoto Tojiki Begins His Creative Process by Breaking Down The Light and The Shadow

Makoto Tojiki Begins His Creative Process by Breaking Down The Light and The Shadow

There is an unspoken relationship between shadow and light. When there is light present, there is a good chance there will be shadow. It may be hidden and unnoticed but it will be there, if there are objects and form.

Makoto Tojiki's The Stick with Shadow

In this light installation Tojiki explores the unspoken relationship between the two, with a light stick and a hat. The Stick with Shadow project is part of Tojiki’s new collection “No Shadow”. This series consists of projects that encompass the ideals of light and shadow, including works that show how they can be manipulated and controlled.

Makoto Tojiki's The Stick with Shadow_1

His process – “Tojiki begins his creative process by breaking down the light and the shadow to capture the essence of their symbiosis resulting in fleeting images that are as ephemeral and enigmatic as shadow itself.”

Makoto Tojiki's The Stick with Shadow_2

Makoto Tojiki uses light as his primary medium of expression and he is an industrial design engineering graduate of Kinki University. Tojiki devotes his spare time experimenting with light while employed as his other job as an industrial designer.

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Makoto Tojiki's The Stick with Shadow
Topics: Lighting