MAKE is known for their underground maker community of skilled and experimental craftspeople. A recent YouTube video created by Collin Cunningham of MAKEzine has accumulated well over one-million views. The video explains the history of LEDs combined with the technology in an easy to understand manner without too much tech jargon. LEDs are showing up everywhere, including our TVs, street lights, computers, chandeliers and more.
Source: Youtube
Here’s your chance to understand the LEDs history, future, and possible uses. Enabling you to understand what you are purchasing when you buy LED. This audio-visual tour will guide you through the world of the light-emitting diode (LEDs) illuminating your senses with: who invented it, how to use it, and how to make your own. Watch MAKE’s Collin Cunningham in the video below, as he escorts us through the mysterious world of LED light.
Video: MAKE presents: The LED
Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube