As more households to the brand management business line forward, a number of domestic and foreign famous product have been introduced to meet the needs of different consumers. Booster cables Pneumatic tools is one of them. According to ...
Tags: Pneumatic tools, Hardware
Despite being tempered by the global recession, the world market for hydraulic equipment is expected to gain momentum over the next few years to reach USD38.9 billion by 2015. Hydraulics is the technology that uses fluid power to generate ...
Tags: hydraulic equipment, Global market
Construction is filled with tasks requiring materials to be marked and places to be marked where construction components will be built or attached. The marks often specify the locations where a material will be cut. Other times the marks ...
Measuring tapes come in different styles. For measuring rooms, or large areas, the heavy duty style, in a case that pulls open and snaps shut is often used. Measuring tapes also come in soft material, used for the dress maker, or to measure ...
Tags: measuring tape, Hardware, Tools
Exporting countries from the point of view, metal molds exported to the U. S. Ranked first, followed by Britain, Germany and Japan. U. S. Hand tools market demand stable. U. S. New home housing market at the end of the scale increased, ...
Tags: mould, Global market
The French gardening industry has experienced exceptional results so far this year. Spring 2011, which was the warmest and driest of the last 50 years, has boosted all garden segments and the overall market increased both in volume and ...
Tags: gardening industry, Hardware, Tools
Although the DIY market is developing relatively well in Europe, the total European sales value for Powered Gardening tools has been in continuous decline for the past few years. The following analysis from GfK Retail and Technology is ...
Tags: Powered gardening tools, Hardware
More popularly known for its bright luster and beauty, it is easier for us to imagine diamonds as precious trinkets rather than as grimy machining equipment. Diamond tools are most commonly used to cut, grind, and drill through extremely ...
Tags: diamond tools, Hardware
China triggered a court case against the United States at the World Trade Organization on Tuesday, arguing that U. S. Anti-dumping measures on imports of diamond saw blades and frozen warm-water shrimp were invalid. The United States has ...
Tags: China, WTO, diamond saw blades
Hand sanding normally does not give the best results in carving the woodwork. There are many specifications of a flap wheel. There is shank-inside measurement, outer-inside measurement and ore diameter. The bore diameter is also called the ...
Tags: flap wheels, functions, Hardware
Existing size of the abrasives industry, manufacturers of about 2000, of which 80% of private enterprises. Total industry economies of scale (current output) 218 billion yuan. According to incomplete statistics, the national capacity of 300 ...
Tags: abrasives, coping strategies, Hardware
AIXTRON SE has received a multiple AIX G5 HT reactors in 56x2-inch and 14x4-inch configurations order from Nantong Tongfang, China. Nantong Tongfang placed the order in the first quarter of 2011. Delivery of the systems has been started in ...
Tags: Market View
AIXTRON SE has received a multiple AIX G5 HT reactors in 56x2-inch and 14x4-inch configurations order from Nantong Tongfang, China. Nantong Tongfang placed the order in the first quarter of 2011. Delivery of the systems has been ...
Tags: AIXTRON SE, AIX G5 HT reactors
For the completion of the 2010 national "Eleventh Five-Year" emission reduction targets, Shanxi, Henan, Ningxia and other regions of the implementation of a large number of alumina producers shut down. For 2011, the corundum energy saving ...
The whole production capacity of stainless steel industry will further release, downstream demand growth is slowing down, influenced by export policy, the international situation, European anti-dumping and the debt crisis, stainless steel ...
Tags: market view, china, Stainless Steel