Rectangular channeled heat exchangers can replace older technologies and relieve associated problems. Heat exchangers have been used in wastewater treatment plants for many years, usually in applications with hot water on one side — ...
Tags: News Update, Market View, heat exchanger
Tata Power, India's largest integrated private power Company has crossed 300 MW wind power capacity installation in the country. Tata Power's wind farms are spread across four states namely Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, ...
Tags: market view, Wind Power Generator
Driven by profitability of its Thai subsidiary along with consistent efforts to explore overseas markets, Tycoons Group Enterprise Co., Ltd., a fastener maker in Taiwan, scored a 24% yearly growth in sales of NT$163 million for September, ...
Tags: Market View, Fasteners
Judge Pat E. Morgenstern-Clarren of the U. S. Bankruptcy Court in Cleveland last Thursday, Oct. 27, approved the sale of the company to Germany's Würth Group for $3.9 million. She also waived the customary 14-day waiting period to ...
Tags: Market View, Fasteners
Solar street lights have been available for quite a time now, having originally been designed for use in less developed or isolated areas, or perhaps places where the electricity supply has been disrupted by man-made or natural disasters. ...
Tags: Learning Center, Street light
The primary appeal of LED street lighting is energy efficiency compared to incandescent bulbs of the same luminance. Research continues to improve the efficiency of newer models. One such advance can be found in a street light product ...
Tags: Learning Center, Street light
Low power consumption and long and predictable life time The lifetime of Led Street lights is usually 10 to 15 years which is three times the life of current technologies adopted. The LED’s also have low maintenance cost which adds to ...
Tags: Learning Center, Street light
THE Capitol is also adopting the use of LED (light emitting diodes) bulbs in all its offices to save on energy costs. Provincial Engineer Eulogio Pelayre said that the Capitol was aiming to replace all ceiling lights with energy efficient ...
Tags: Market View, led light
THE Capitol is also adopting the use of LED (light emitting diodes) bulbs in all its offices to save on energy costs. Provincial Engineer Eulogio Pelayre said that the Capitol was aiming to replace all ceiling lights with energy ...
Tags: led light
Researchers ay Georgia Tech have significantly improved the efficiency of ultra-violet (390nm) thin-film GaN LEDs by adding a zinc oxide microwire to the junction. "The devices are believed to be the first LEDs whose performance has ...
Tags: led diode
REC Solar inks deal as distributor of GE WattStation to speed adoption of solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations. REC Solar, a leading provider of home, commercial and government solar electric systems in the United States, has ...
Tags: Market View, solar
REC Solar inks deal as distributor of GE WattStation to speed adoption of solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations. REC Solar, a leading provider of home, commercial and government solar electric systems in the United States, ...
Tags: solar
There are several light sources which have been used in electric street lights. The main types used since the 1940s in the United States have been Incandescent, Fluorescent, Low Pressure Sodium and High Intensity Discharge. Incandescent ...
Tags: Learning Center, Street light
There are two optical phenomena that need to be recognized in street light installations. The loss of night vision because of the accommodation reflex of drivers' eyes is the greatest danger. As drivers emerge from an unlighted area into a ...
Tags: Learning Center, Street light
Football fans of the University of Michigan kicked off the 2011 season enjoying a new look to Michigan Stadium, now complete with newly upgraded scoreboards from Lighthouse Technologies. The state-of-the-art video displays and scoring ...
Tags: Market View, LED DISPLAY