Beginning in 2017, all gasoline sold in the US must contain less than 10 parts per million sulfur, the US Environmental Protection Agency announced Monday, dismissing oil industry arguments that the new standard is unnecessary and could ...
Tags: Gasoline, Metallurgy
The oil complex settled sharply higher Monday as a Russian military intervention in the Ukraine heightened concerns over global oil supplies from Russia -- one of the top oil producers in the world. NYMEX April crude settled $2.33 higher ...
Tags: Oil Futures, Oil
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has announced a 4.4% increase in the estimated total recoverable resources offshore Norway to 14.2 billion cubic meters of oil equivalent, boosted by the inclusion of resources from among other things a ...
The depreciation of the Chinese renminbi (RMB) in the last few days is likely to benefit the Chinese clothing sector, according to experts. In mid-February 2014, the exchange rate was US$ 1 = 6.06 yuan, which has depreciated to 6.15 ...
Tags: Clothing Sector, RMB Depreciation
The heavy industrial sector is a core domain that opens up huge and ample scope of technological inputs and advancements. Each day the sector is being overwhelmed by a consistent influx of high technological improvement and the industries ...
Tags: Manufacturing, Processing Machinery, Bengal Tools, industrial sector
The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Certified Professionals is hosting Installation Certification training and testing at KO Floor Supply in Riverdale, N.J. March 14-15. These one-day NWFACP sessions will help you ...
Ronile has promoted Rich Bryant to vice president of sales. He will report to CEO Phillip Essig. Bryant began his career at Ronile 27 years ago as a lab technician. He was soon promoted to lab manager and eventually to plant manager for ...
Tags: Ronile
Pictured from left to right: Paul Eanes; Jamie Topete, West Coast District Sales Manager, Metroflor; Larry Johnson of Triwest; and Russell Rogg. Metroflor acknowledged the dedication and hard work of its trade partners across the entire ...
Tags: Metroflor
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has requested that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) withdraw a proposed rule that would drastically lower the permissible exposure limit (PEL) of crystalline silica ...
Tags: Osha Withdraws Silica Rule, The National Association of Home Builders
Hardwood flooring industry veteran and former Floor Trends columnist Richard "Rick" Brian died on Feb. 5 at his home in Southern Pines, N.C., following a brief battle with cancer. He was 66. Brian was past board member of the National ...
Bona US' first ever Certified Craftsman Convention will bring together businesses in the wood floor industry from across the country Feb. 20-22 in Denver. The event will kick-off on Thursday, Feb 20. with an opening keynote speech by former ...
Tags: Bona US, Craftsman Convention
HIGH POINT — High Point's Premarket will take place here March 3-4 with 24 exhibitor sponsors, the High Point Market Authority has announced. Premarket takes place about a month before the spring and fall High Point Market and gives ...
Tags: High Point Premarket Set
United States egg production totaled 8.21 billion during January 2014, up 2 percent from last year. Production included 7.13 billion table eggs, and 1.08 billion hatching eggs, of which 997 million were broiler-type and 78 million were ...
Tags: Egg Production, Agriculture
Old materials are new again as companies scramble to replace polycarbonate dielectricThe insulating material between the plates of the capacitor. The material is chosen for its ability to permit electrostatic attraction and repulsion to ...
SOUTH KOREA: Metro operators in Seoul, Daejon and Incheon have achieved power savings of more than 20% using ultracapacitor braking energy recuperation technology, according to ultracapacitor manufacturer Maxwell Technologies. Up to 200 ...
Tags: Metro Operators, Maxwell, Ultracaps