Vermont Natural Coatings has created an exterior product that stains and seals wood surfaces from the outside in, and the inside out with lasting moisture and UV protection. The company’s Exterior Penetrating Stain combines color ...
Tags: Exterior Penetrating Stain, low VOCs, Natural Coatings
Kings Consolidated Group has announced the acquisition of New South Wales-based haulage business, Walker’s Haulage. Walker’s has annualised revenues of around $25m and the business specialises in the transportation of heavy ...
Tags: transportation of heavy freight, prime movers, strategic opportunities
A new report released by NRMA Motoring & Services has shown Australia’s reliance on imported transport fuel has risen from 60 per cent in 2000 to 91 per cent in 2013, putting immense pressure on Australia’s liquid fuel security ...
Tags: imported transport fuel, medicine supplies, electric vehicles
Retrieving organs from brain-dead donors is logistically challenging and time consuming in hospitals. Multiple surgical teams often fly to a donor's hospital but frequently face delays in retrieving organs due to crowded operating-room ...
Tags: Moving Organ Donors, stand-alone facility, lowers costs
HTC announced at Mobile World Congress on Monday its new Power To Give project, which aims to donate processor power to scientific research. Planning on bringing together the power of millions of smartphones, the Android for altruism ...
Tags: smartphones, app, processor power
A NEW technique being developed by West Australian chemists could provide crime investigators with a safer, simpler and more versatile method for extracting good quality fingermarks, even from non-porous surfaces and in wet or humid ...
Tags: extracting good quality fingermarks, NEW technology, toxic solvent
First Solar Inc of Tempe, AZ, USA - which makes thin-film photovoltaic modules based on cadmium telluride (CdTe) as well as providing engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) services - has reported full-year net sales of $3.309bn for ...
Tags: photovoltaic modules, Electrical
Cross section of bioprinted human liver tissue showing hepatocytes (blue nuclei), endothelial cells (red), and hepatic stellate cells (green). (Courtesy Organovo Holdings Inc.) The discovery that living tissues could be built up using a ...
Tags: Organovo, 3-D printer
The major Telcos have launched dedicated web pages for consumers to pre-register interest for the Galaxy S5, including Optus, Telstra and Vodafone. Samsung took to the stage in Barcelona for its Mobile World Congress launch event this ...
Ford's first autonomous research vehicles, with protruding sensors and instruments, “kind of look[ed] like a science project” says Chris Attard, a Ford research engineer who works on their replacement. The new one, a Ford Fusion ...
Tags: Autonomous Research Car, protruding sensors and instruments, LIDAR
CaféPod entered the annual Marketing 4 Start-Up Britain event where it was chosen by WDMP, who will act as a mentor, providing them with marketing expertise, strategy guidance and support on a pro bono basis. CaféPod roasts ...
Tags: Coffee Capsules, CaféPod
Nampak, producer of plastic milk bottles, commissioned the survey which found that 316,054 tonnes of plastic bottles were collected for recycling in 2012, and of those, 96,396 tonnes were HDPE milk bottles. Steve Morgan, technical manager ...
Tags: Milk Industry, Recycling Practice
Getting the seasonal flu shot could provide a bonus: It might also significantly reduce your risk of stroke, a new study suggests. "We know that cardiovascular diseases tend to hit during winter, and that the risks may be heightened by ...
Tags: Getting the seasonal flu shot, cause-and-effect relationship
SIMTEC Silicone Parts, a custom manufacturer of Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) parts and high-precision LSR 2-Shot components, has announced a new production partnership with a global healthcare leader. SIMTEC will begin production in 2014 ...
Tags: new production partnership, LSR component program, infrastructure
The government of China's Xinjiang autonomous region has stated that it is committed to eliminating 2.4 million mt of backward steel capacity within two years and will not approve new projects in the steel industry, according to its program ...
Tags: resolving severe overcapacity, Xinjiang, Metallurgy, Mineral&Energy