According to the data provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), last year Turkey's pre-painted galvanized iron (PPGI) imports amounted to 79,312 mt, increasing by 82 percent from 43,613 mt in 2012, while the revenue from these ...
Tags: PPGI Imports, Mineral
Russia-based leading global iron ore and hot briquetted iron (HBI) producer Metalloinvest has announced that its integrated iron and steel plant Ural Steel saw its crude steel production in the fourth quarter last year decrease by 7.6 ...
Tags: Crude Steel, Ural Steel, Mineral
The US Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development jointly announced Wednesday that privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in January were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 937,000. This is ...
Tags: Housing Completions
According to the Brazil Steel Institute (IABr), in January this year Brazilian steelmakers produced 2.74 million metric tons of crude steel, up 2.74 percent from December and down 1.36 percent year on year. Brazil's rolled steel product ...
Tags: Crude Steel, Mineral
Brazil's motor vehicle output in January this year increased by 2.9 percent from the previous month and decreased by 18.7 percent year on year to 237,491 units (excluding agricultural vehicles), according to the Brazilian Motor Vehicle ...
Tags: Motor Vehicle, Mineral
In January this year, the purchasing managers index (PMI) for the Chinese steel sector stood at 40.7 percent, down sharply by seven percentage points as compared to December last year, remaining below 50 for the fifth consecutive month and ...
Tags: Steel Sector, Mineral
The Mexican Ministry of Economy announced Wednesday that it has imposed a final anti-dumping duty on imports of rolled steel plate from Russia, as part of a continuing investigation. Duties were set at 29.3 percent on Russian imports of ...
According to the statistics released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), in December last year new motor vehicle registrations in Turkey increased by 13.5 percent year on year to 81,911 units, down 13.8 percent on month-on-month ...
Tags: Motor Vehicle, Mineral
According to a release this week from the Metals Service Center Institute, monthly shipments of steel in both the United States and Canada began 2014 with small gains or losses from January 2013. However, inventory levels were improved from ...
Tags: steel shipments, steel
According to the American Iron and Steel Institute, in the week ending February 8, 2014, US domestic raw steel production was 1,839,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 76.8 percent. Production was 1,875,000 net tons in ...
In 2013, amid slowing economic growth and sluggish demand in China, economies overseas witnessed a gradual recovery. Under such circumstances, China's stainless steel imports declined, while its exports continued to increase. Stainless ...
Tags: Stainless Steel, Mineral
On February 19, the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) announced that in early February (Feb. 1-10) this year the average aggregate daily crude steel output of large and medium-sized steel enterprises in China totaled 1.761 million mt, ...
Tags: Crude Steel, Mineral
According to first estimates released by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, in December last year the seasonally-adjusted production of the construction sector in the European Union member states (EU-28) increased ...
Tags: Construction Output, Mineral
Australian iron ore miner Fortescue Metals Group has announced its financial results for the first half of the financial year 2013-14 ended on December 31. During the half year, Fortescue's net profit amounted to US$1.72 billion, compared ...
According to the data released by the Japan Ship Exporters' Association (JSEA), Japanese new ship export orders in January this year decreased by 26.02 percent on tonnage basis compared to December, amounting to 26 ships compared to 44 ...
Tags: Ship Export, Mineral