Findings highlight the need for a set of core best practices coupled with a dedicated PIM environment. Ventana Research has released its latest benchmark research on trends in product information management (PIM). The research was ...
RteamKz, a company specializing in search engines offers the development and improvement of the PDF Search Books website to assist customers with access to the inventory of more than 35 million digital products. World Wide Web, 8-06-2012, ...
Tags: search engine, PDF Search Books, digital product, website search tool
Microsoft has fixed 26 vulnerabilities in its software products, including several considered critical, the company said on Tuesday in its monthly security patch report. The security holes, described in five critical and four important ...
Tags: Microsoft, vulnerabilities, software products, Windows, Office, IE
Thanks to the popularity of Apple's iPad and iPhone mobile devices, the Objective-C language has overtaken C++ in Tiobe's monthly assessment of programming language popularity. Objective-C, the language used for developing applications to ...
Tags: popularity, Apple, iPad, iPhone mobile devices, C++
VMware plans to make a beta version of an upgrade to its Zimbra Collaboration Server available for download on Wednesday, with shipments in final form scheduled for later this quarter, the company said. Zimbra Collaboration Server 8.0, a ...
Windows 8 makes the process of file backup and restore the easiest it's ever been for users of Windows OSes, Microsoft said on Tuesday. Acknowledging that usage of this feature is woefully low even on Windows 7, Microsoft set out to make ...
Hansen Medical is showcasing its Magellan Robotic system at the 2012 Vascular Annual Meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, US. Hansen Medical president ...
Facebook on Tuesday launched a feature that allows users to lock down their Facebook accounts and perform malware scans if they suspect that their computers might be infected. Facebook already uses internal scanners to detect spam and ...
Tags: Facebook, malware, infected computers
Sybase CEO John Chen is leaving SAP, roughly two-and-a-half years after SAP acquired the company for its database and mobility technologies, SAP announced Tuesday. “After 15 years of leading Sybase, I want to take on a new ...
Tags: CEO, John Chen, SAP, Sybase, mobility technologies
US-based MD Anderson has performed the first MRI-guided brain biopsy by using MRI Interventions' ClearPoint system. ClearPoint System features reusable components, disposable components and intuitive, menu-driven software and is ...
BioVentrix has launched a myocardial anchoring system for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. The new technology, Revivent, is designed for use in less invasive ventricular enhancement (LIVE) procedures to improve the function of ...
Nakisa Inc. announced today that it has signed a global partner agreement with NorthgateArinso (NGA) Nakisa Inc., a developer of Org and Talent Management software for SAP ERP HCM, announced today that it has signed a global partner ...
Tags: Nakisa Inc, NorthgateArinso, integration service, BPO service
Microsoft has recognised NeoStream as a company that demonstrates best-in-class capability and market leadership through proven technology success and customer commitment. NeoStream Technologies Inc., Calgary's largest energy services ...
Tags: NeoStream, Microsoft, customer commitment, business environment
Air Techniques, a manufacturer of dental equipments, has named John Scott as the company's new president. Scott, who has seven years of experience in the dental industry, recently served at Air Techniques as vice president of sales and ...
Tags: Air Techniques, Scott, dental industry
LETN, the leading IT specialists, warn businesses of the spiralling costs and inefficiencies of data proliferation. Without NetApp's innovative new storage strategies, companies will be losing time, productivity and money. By some ...
Tags: data proliferation, torage strategy, NetApp, data management