ADvantage LED Signs announced the completion of another successful retail LED Sign installation in Richland, Washington State. The LED display as well as its surrounding structure will be used by the five tenants in the Tuscan Park Plaza. ...
Tags: ADvantage LED, Lighting
ADvantage LED Signs spokesperson Richard James announced the completion of multiple Military LED Signs and installation at multiple gates for Ft. Gordon in Augusta, GA. The LED billboards will be used for advertising community ...
Tags: LED, LED billboards
ARC Energy's CHES furnaces enable Suzhou Hyperion Geocrystal to enter volume production of sapphire cores and wafers, for high-brightness LEDs, ranging from 2-8 mm in diameter. Larger wafers are one avenue toward lower-cost LEDs and a ...
When it comes to LED lighting, there's a very valid question: how many consumers are willing to fork out $50 for a light bulb, no matter how efficient and long-lasting it is? But commercial customers might have a different opinion. Cree ...
Tags: LED Lighting