Roswell Park/University at Buffalo study finds significant risk for women who never smoked Secondhand smoking is linked with pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth and tubal ectopic pregnancy, according to new research from ...
Tags: Health, Medicine, Secondhand Smoke, Smoke, Secondhand smoking
A selection of health policy stories from Kentucky, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, California, Colorado and Florida. The Associated Press: Ky. Senate Passes Bill Creating Malpractice Panels A panel of medical experts would review ...
Tags: Whistleblower Case, Malpractice Panel, Woman Health, Low-Income Adult
Every week reporter Ankita Rao selects interesting reading from around the Web. The New York Times: Doctors Train To Spot Signs Of A.D.H.D. In Children Jerry, 9 years old, dissolved into his Game Boy while his father described his ...
Tags: Doctor Training, Obamacare, A.D.H.D, Epilepsy
Los Angeles Times: Democrat Leading In Florida Race Eyed As Test Of Obamacare A Democratic candidate who has explicitly defended Obamacare holds a slight lead in a special congressional election in Florida that both parties are eyeing as ...
A new study finds that the rates are lowest in 40 years. Los Angeles Times: U.S. Abortion Rate In 2011 Lowest Since 1973, Study Says The U.S. abortion rate fell in 2011 to its lowest level since the 1973 Supreme Court decision ...
Tags: Abortion
A selection of health policy stories from New York, Washington state, California, Virginia, Idaho, Connecticut and Georgia. The Associated Press/Wall Street Journal: Feds Urge More Talks On N.Y. Medicaid Application New York has ...
Several justices expressed skepticism about the constitutionality of a Massachusetts law that prohibits protesters within a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinic entrances. Chief Justice John Roberts is likely to cast the deciding ...
Tags: Abortion Protester'buffer-Zone', Health&Medicine, Health&Medicine News
Free speech is perhaps our most cherished civil liberty. Without free speech -; especially free speech on key cultural, political and religious issues -; the United States is no longer the pluralistic republic envisioned by our Founders. ...
Tags: Health Care, Debate Health Care, Young People Signed up for Health Care
The $1 trillion spending bill that lawmakers introduced Monday cuts $1 billion from the health law's Prevention and Public Health Fund and holds down funding for other health law programs to 2013 levels, but leaves it otherwise untouched. ...
The International Collating Center, Newmarket, England, and other sources reported the following equine disease outbreaks for the third quarter* of 2013. Contagious equine metritis (Taylorella equigenitalis) was reported from Germany in ...
Tags: equine disease, equine metritis, Taylorella equigenitalis, report
Bloomberg: What Liberals Don't Get About Single Payer [The] problem with the Affordable Care Act isn't the insurance industry. In fact, the main benefits of nationalized health care can be achieved in systems with hundreds, even ...
A new review of existing research suggests a possible link between domestic violence and abortions. Led by Susan Bewley of Kings College London in the United Kingdom, the review was based on the findings of 74 studies that looked at ...
Tags: domestic violence, abortions, Susan Bewley, association
Mix blatant bigotry with poor spelling. Add a dash of ALL CAPS. Top it off with a violent threat. And there you have it: A recipe for the worst of online comments. Blame anonymity, blame politicians, blame human nature. But a growing ...
Tags: online comments, user comments, anonymity, nasty comments
Pregnancy rates continue to decline in the United States, a federal report released Thursday shows. The rate reached a 12-year low in 2009, when there were about 102 pregnancies for every 1,000 women aged 15 to 44, according to the latest ...
Tags: pregnancy rates, US
U.S. pregnancy rates declined about 10 percent each for married and unmarried women since 1990, researchers say. Sally Curtin, Joyce Abma and Stephanie Ventura of the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease ...
Tags: Health News, Pregnancy Rates, U.S.Teens