This month sees the launch in Grenoble, France of the three-year, €7.2m European Union ‘Horizon 2020’ project ModulED, which brings together 10 European research institutes, key members of the automotive-industry value ...
A fleet of driverless vehicles using UK-built software is set to be trialed between Oxford and London in 2019. Oxford-based artificial intelligence company Oxbotica is leading a consortium of companies that include Oxford Robotics ...
At the SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing (DCS 2016) event in Baltimore, MD, USA (17–21 April), Sofradir of Palaiseau near Paris, France, which makes cooled infrared (IR) detectors based on mercury cadmium telluride (MCT/HgCdTe), ...
The world-renowned journal Nature Thursday released its annual list of ten people who mattered in science in 2015, which includes one Chinese scientist whose work in human embryo gene editing has caused repeated debate in the academic ...
Tags: Chinese Scientist, human embryo gene editing, Nature's Ten
China on Wednesday welcomed a resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to close the investigation into Iran's alleged nuclear activities, saying it may help implementation of a historic nuclear deal signed in ...
Tags: IAEA, nuclear deal
Taiwan has recalled food products illegally imported from five Japanese regions affected by the earthquake in 2011 and consequent nuclear disaster. According to Food and Drug Administration director General Chiang Yu-mei, country's health ...
Tags: BES, health officials, Food
A Taiwan team has announced SEMI-recognized international standards of performance measurement for dye-sensitized solar cells and organic solar cells, coded SEMI PV57-1214. Under support by Bureau of Energy under Ministry of Economic ...
Tags: PV57-1214 Standards, solar cell
There is a big effort in industry to produce electrical devices with more and faster memory and logic. Magnetic memory elements, such as in a hard drive, and in the future in what is called MRAM (magnetic random access memory), use ...
Tags: Electric, electrical devices
Earlier in December, concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system maker Soitec of Bernin, France was informed that the European Commission (EC) has approved financing for the five-year Gupard program, which was launched in May 2012 to develop a ...
Tags: Electrical, Electronics, PV
Human-caused climate change and air pollution remain major global-scale problems and are both due mostly to fossil fuel burning. Mitigation efforts for both of these problems should be undertaken concurrently in order to maximize ...
Tags: Coal, Gas, Nuclear Power
Density of atoms in the liquid bright pipe as heat energy is still larger, higher precision light control its intensity in three dimensions each atom adjacent atoms are often collide with each other, replacing energy. In the collision, some ...
Tags: Precision Light Pipe
A workshop on Revisit the Roadmap for Jute was organized by the International Jute Study Group (IJSG) at IJSG Secretariat, Bangladesh on septemebr 2, 2013. A Road Map for Jute was commissioned by the International Trade Centre, ITC ...
Approximately 200,000 people joined Taiwan's anti-nuclear protest on March 9, 2013. Some statistics showed that 50-60% of people surveyed were against using nuclear power to generate electricity. According to Premier Jiang Yi-huah of the ...
Tags: (Nuke
Joe Oliver, Canada’s minister of natural resources, announced the next steps in plans to engage the private sector in the management of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.’s (AECL) nuclear laboratories. “To ensure the best ...
Tags: Joe Oliver, natural resource, Atomic Energy
A power station in the south of Iran has been hit by a cyberattack, an Iranian news agency reported Tuesday, citing a local civil defense official. But now agency and official are in dispute over whether he really made the remarks. The ...
Tags: Iran, cyberattack, ISNA, virus