Commercial toddler food in the US contains sodium and sugar levels that are far beyond the permissible limits, setting an early preference among children for salty and sugary products, according to a study by Centers for Disease Control and ...
Tags: toddler food, sugary products
Think on-board cameras are used only to monitor drivers and punish them for bad driving behaviours? That’s not always the case, as evidenced by a recent example in which a camera helped capture a potentially life-saving maneuver, ...
Tags: on-Board Camera, Cogswell, Heroic Actions
William L. “Bill” Jasper, chairman of the Board and CEO of Unifi, Inc. located in Greensboro, NC was re-elected to serve a third term as chairman during NCTO’s 10th annual meeting held at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC ...
Tags: William Jasper, Chairman, NCTO
With the start of the New Year, it was lights out in the U.S. for the production of the time-tested 100-watt incandescent light bulb, and over the next few years nearly all of the standard Edison filament bulbs will be phased out. A 2007 ...
Tags: Market View, incandescent bulb, led light, cfl
With the start of the New Year, it was lights out in the U.S. for the production of the time-tested 100-watt incandescent light bulb, and over the next few years nearly all of the standard Edison filament bulbs will be phased out. A ...
Tags: cfl, led light, incandescent bulb