An increase in eastbound long-haul grain and petcoke cargoes from the US Gulf Coast has triggered a rebound in Handysize and Supramax freight rates in this key loading area this week. Also, inquiries in the region remains spearheaded by ...
Tags: Corn Demand, US Gulf Coast
A sinking crude oil market is just too much for the grain bulls to handle right now. Corn and soybean prices moved lower Monday morning after USDA released quarterly grain stocks, monthly world agricultural supply and demand estimates ...
Tags: grain bulls, crop production, Agriculture
Corn export demand has risen in the last month, and that's likely to push futures prices to a range of about 5 to 15 cents higher than a month ago, according to Wednesday's USDA-NASS World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, Corn
First, ethanol use of corn is running behind the seasonal pace to meet current USDA expectations. Our models are indicating that if the current use of corn for ethanol continues we will fall about 125 million bushels short of current USDA ...