Infoworld - After two years and 18 releases, Google this week took the beta label off mod_pagespeed, its Web page speed technology. Mod_pagespeed is an open source Apache module in use at more than 120,000 sites, Joshua Marantz and Ilya ...
Tags: Google, Web page speed technology, Internet, company news
PC World-HP has long been a contributor to Linux and open-source software,but on Monday it ratcheted up its support another notch. Specifically,the company announced at the LinuxCon Europe event going on this week in Barcelona that it has ...
Tags: Linux Foundation, HP, A strategic asset, open-source software
Network World-Midokura,a Japanese startup focused on network virtualization,this week said it is entering the with a distributed software defined network product designed for Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS). The companys ...
Tags: Japanese virtualization, network virtualization, IaaS, MidoNet
Like other tech companies with a young and dynamic workforce, the web-hosting company Dreamhost wanted a work environment that would be easily adaptable to nonwork functions. In the modern business culture, a new profit initiative is as ...
Tags: web-hosting company, Studio O+A, Dreamhost, interior design