Esdevium Games is set to launch a number of activations to support its growing portfolio in the UK. The campaigns, which have been designed to appeal to a mass audience of parents throughout the UK, will help parents ‘navigate the ...
Tags: Esdevium Games, Playtime PR
500 gamers flocked to Birmingham's International Convention Centre for a three-day event featuring Star Wars X-Wing, Android: Netrunner and A Game of Thrones the Card Game. Esdevium Games is toasting the success of its first own Fantasy ...
Tags: Esdevium Games, Star Wars
Star Monsters is the most TV advertised toy so far in 2016. Magic Box Toys and Esdevium's new collectable, Star Monsters, has enjoyed a strong debut at UK retail. Since launching at the beginning of February, reaction from both ...
Tags: Star Monsters, Esdevium, Magic box
The Wild West themed family tabletop game has picked up the Game of the Year award in Germany. Esdevium’s popular family game Colt Express has clinched this year’s Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) award. Widely considered ...
Tags: Toy, new game, tabletop game
Inspired by the popular video gaming franchise, XCOM - The Board Game delivers alien invasions via its companion app. Popular Alien-battling, videogame franchise XCOM has made its transition to the world of board gaming. XCOM – ...
Tags: Board Game, Toys
Co-operative tabletop board game has been created by Modiphius Entertainment. Esdevium Games will be presenting a new Thunderbirds Co-operative game on its Toy Fair stand at Olympia this week (January 20th to 22nd). The game is the ...
Tags: original TV show, Toys
Esdevium distributed game sells out following weekend appearance. Rocket Games’ Pie Face board game was given a pre-Christmas sales boost at the weekend when it appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show. Distributed in the UK by Esdevium ...
Tags: Christmas present, Toys
Creative Steps magazine has revealed the winners and highly commended entries across all 21 categories, including Toys and Games and Role Play. The results of the 2014 Creative Awards are in. After months of testing, Creative Steps ...
The first Toy & Game Inventors Workshop took place in September, as budding toy creators grasped the opportunity to pitch their ideas to some of the biggest companies in the industry. Billy Langsworthy reviews the event and explains how it ...
Tags: Toy&Game Inventors, Toys
New launch will be supported by online activity, product sampling and in store display units. Collectable specialists Magic Box Int has launched Zomlings series two. The Zomlings are currently the focus of a new TV advertising campaign ...
Tags: Zomlings Series Two, Specialists, Toys
Team behind Dragon's Den busting Marmite board games chooses Esdevium to deliver titles to UK retailers. Board game manufacturer, Pants on Fire has appointed Esdevium as the UK distributor of the firm’s portfolio of popular game ...
Tags: Pants on Fire, UK Distributor, Toys
The new batch follows the “incredibly successful launch of Zomlings Series One” in March this year. Magic Box Int. is preparing to release its second swathe of Zomlings collectables this September. The new batch follows the ...
Tags: Magic Box, Zomlings Series, Toys
UK games firm confident about the success of the Disney hit ahead of the launch of its first Frozen product. The success of Disney’s Frozen is likely to mirror the Toy Story legacy, according to UK games specialist Esdevium. The ...
Tags: UK Games Firm, Frozen Product, Toys
The 6-in-1 Frozen Game contains six classic preschool games, including Crazy 8's, Bingo and Pairs, all featuring popular characters from the Frozen film. Esdevium has offered a first look at its new line based on the hit Disney animated ...
Tags: Game toy, toy, Christmas toy
Over 200 events held across UK and Ireland boosted the success of the global board game festival. Geek and Sundry is celebrating the successful return of International TableTop Day this year, fuelled by a positive global response and the ...
Tags: Toys, board game toy