In the first fortnight of August, cotton prices kept on rising in the Brazilian market, pushed up by the low domestic supply and although harvesting season has begun. According to a CEPEA report, sellers pulled back and held on to good ...
Tags: cotton prices, cotton
USDA said it has initially projected the 2015/16 global cotton crop at 111.3 million bales, 7 per cent or 8 million bales below the 2014/15 estimate. In a report, USDA said area reductions in many countries are expected to account for ...
Tags: Cotton Crop, cotton
The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projections for 2014 indicate that the global cotton crop is forecast at 116.4 million bales, about 2 percent below the 2013 estimate of 118.3 million bales. While below a year ago, world ...
Tags: USDA, Global Cotton Crop, Apparel, Accessories