Kobo has released a smaller, lighter version of the Kobo Aura One ebook reader that’s just as waterproof as the original. The new Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 could be the perfect addition to your poolside reading arsenal this summer, ...
At the Pittcon conference in Atlanta (6-10 March), laser-based trace gas analyzer manufacturer Tiger Optics LLC of Warrington, PA, USA exhibited the new ALOHA+ H2O analyzer, which refines the detection of moisture in ammonia to levels down ...
Tags: Tiger Optics, Analyser, HB LED
Today, PolarPro, a manufacturer of professional-grade action camera accessories for the action sports, outdoor and consumer markets, announced the launch of its latest Kickstarter campaign for the PowerGrip H2O, the world’s first ...
Tags: LED light bar, Video, PolarPro, selfie stick
Thies Textilmaschinen, leading producers of high quality textile machineries, is set to display its latest collection of technical textile machineries at Techtextil fair taking place from May 4 to 7, 2015. The machines on display are ...
Oops, we did it again. Another solid USDA export report and the market tanked. The beginning of the week the market was on a tear to the upside but the market reaction to this “bullish” report turned the fundamentals on their ...
Tags: Cotton Futures, Cotton Market
After the successful implementation of the latest fabric dyeing machines iMaster H2O and soft-TRD SIII, Thies Textilmaschinen will introduce its newest yarn dyeing machine in Shanghai: iCone. The new development consolidates highest ...
Tags: Yarn Dyeing Machine, fabric dyeing
University of Utah chemists discovered how vibrations in chemical bonds can be used to predict chemical reactions and thus design better catalysts to speed reactions that make medicines, industrial products and new materials. "The ...
Tags: Consumer Electronics, Electronics
Coles sells a lot of bottled water. Its own brand of bottled water comes in 24 pack cartons sold for $8. There's almost no personal cost to wearing this decade's hot fashion accessory. The environment is wearing the cost. So Coles is doing ...
Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide or lye is that chemical from which it is impossible to get rid of. May be only heard the name in your chemistry classes during experiments with bases, but just have a look on the labels of cleaning agents ...
Tags: Caustic soda, chlorine production, needs more precautions
When firefighters want to extinguish a blaze, they often douse it with water. Astronauts on board the ISS, however, are experimenting with a form of water that does the opposite. Instead of stopping fire, this water helps start it. "We ...
"Power to gas" is a key concept when it comes to storing alternative energy. This process converts short-term excess electricity from photovoltaic systems and wind turbines into hydrogen. Combined with the greenhouse gas CO2, renewable ...
Tags: power to gas, alternative energy, excess electricity, renewable hydrogen
Valves are the most essential devices in any direction program. It is placed in such a way that it can management or closed off drinking h2o through the pipe joints in domestic drinking h2o program or through the gas pipe joints of sectors ...
Tags: UPVC, ball valve, pipe, line
Taiwan’s National Tsing Hua University has developed a method to improve the performance of zinc oxide (ZnO) transparent conductive oxide (TCO) as an electrode for short-wavelength nitride semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) ...
Tags: zinc oxide, LEDs
OKO H2O has launched a new filtration water bottle that uses a miniaturized filter pod system to allow filtration of water for up to 40 refills. The new OKOPURE has built-in tap water filters that meet NSF Std 42 for reduction of ...
Tags: Filtration Water Bottle
Canada's H2O Innovation Inc has decided to withdraw from its joint venture in India. H2O Innovation India Ltd was set up three years ago in a joint venture with India's Chembond Chemicals Ltd to produce and sell water treatment systems for ...