After her last year’s breakthrough innovation, Wearable Solar, Dutch fashion designer Pauline van Dongen has come up with a revamped version titled Solar Shirt that combines not only the high-tech advantage of charging a smartphone ...
Tags: Wearable Solar, T-shirt features, Apparel
IDG News Service-Police in some U.S.cities will have a high-tech advantage this July 4 in their battle to deter and detect those who celebrate the country's birthday by firing bullets into the air. A worker watchers screens at ...
Tags: Computer Products, sensor, sound sensor
Forget the fastest sail boat; next year's America's Cup could come down to who has the fastest computer. The boats competing on the San Francisco Bay next year will be kitted out from bow to stern with high-tech gear, including sensors ...
Tags: America's Cup, fastest computer, Oracle Team, High Tech Advantage