Vitrum 2013, held October 23-26 at Rho Fiera Milano in Milan, Italy, closed last Saturday on a positive note, according to event organizers. The exhibition area of approximately 20,000 square meters was occupied by 70 percent Italian ...
Tags: Vitrum, High Attendance Figures
Vitrum is always held in fall and hence near the end of the fiscal year. This makes it quite useful for assessing the progress made during the year and formulating an accurate forecast for the following year. And hence, as Vitrum opens ...
Tags: Vitrum, Construction
Do you remember your favorite toys as a kid? What kinds of games did you play with your friends and family when you were young? Many of us connect to our pasts through our childhood experiences. Come see A Kid at Heart, Looking at Childhood ...
Tags: Childhood Play, Toys, Historical Museum
The Arlington Heights Historical Museum celebrates 25 years of the Martha Mills Dolls Collection with a new exhibit Calendar Dollies. The new exhibit features dolls representing holidays and red-letter calendar days throughout the year that ...
Tags: Arlington Heights Historical Museum, Calendar Dollies, toys