The joy of shopping for Ikea furniture mainly comes from roaming around a series of perfectly Scandi mock-rooms and pretending they’re yours for the day, finishing off with a plate of meatballs and some Daim cake, then going home with ...
Tags: Ikea furniture, furniture
Once, the home of a notorious bishop, the seventeenth century building in the town of Orléans, Hôtel Dupanloup, has recently been reconstructed to function as International Research Center of the University of Orléans. ...
Tags: Dupanloup, Furniture, Furnishing
IKEA has intended to sell only LED lighting in its stores by 2016. “No more halogen. No more Sparsam low-energy bulbs. No more fluorescent lights. We’re putting all our development and design efforts behind LEDs because we ...
Tags: IKEA, LED lighting, 2016
Those looking for affordable, ready-to-assemble furniture products of world renowned IKEA shall no longer be bound for Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, as the company will set foot in Indonesia from 2014. Indonesian publicly-listed retail giant ...
Tags: market view, furniture