The votes will likely set up a conference committee showdown related to the state's two-year budget plan. Meanwhile, news outlets also report on developments from Arkansas, Mississippi and California. The Washington Post: House And ...
Tags: Medicaid Expansion Plan, Medicaid Austerity, Medicaid Showdown
The Wall Street Journal examines the gap created by some states deciding not to expand their Medicaid programs and what that decision means for hospitals' bottom lines. Also, Republican lawmakers consider "bailouts" for hospitals after they ...
Tags: Coverage Gap, Medicaid Expansion, Obamacare, GOP
Arizona's efforts to expand the program are also facing challenges while a new approach is being advanced in Virginia. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Model Arkansas Way Of Expanding Medicaid At Risk Arkansas' plan for expanding ...
Tags: Jeopardy, Expansion Plan, Human Services, Medicaid program
The plan will require three federal waivers, would sunset after three years without continued 100 percent federal contributions and would use private insurance to reach the additional low-income New Hampshire residents. It's similar to the ...
Tags: State Senators, Medicaid Expansion, low-income residents, Concord