Foreign media said that Vodafone and China Mobile Ltd. (SEHK: 0941 and NYSE: CHL) will not seek for mobile license in Burma, since the requirements of the local government are not suitable for them. Ranking number one and two worldwide, ...
Tags: China Mobile, Mobile License, Electronics
In 2001, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Japan's dominant telecom provider, got a shock. It had just started DSL broadband Internet service and was taking its first steps toward reaping the benefits of an ambitious and costly plan to string ...
Tags: Japan, telecom, DSL broadband Internet service, Softbank
A plan by a satellite carrier to make better use of its spectrum could open up an extra channel for Wi-Fi in the U.S.,though how and when consumers would get to use it isn't yet clear. The proposal that satellite operator Globalstar ...
Tags: US, Satellite Carrier, Wi-Fi, FCC, LightSquared, Dish Network, Globalstar