Apple was first to use Intel's Thunderbolt I/O interface on laptops. The company also chose to create its own version of a hybrid drive for Macs rather than use one of several all-in-one offerings available from third party vendors. So ...
Making good on the flash strategy it announced in August, Hitachi Data Systems has unveiled its first flash module, a 1.6TB SAS-interface flash card. Three months ago, HDS lifted the covers on its flash strategy saying that like EMC, it ...
Tags: Hitachi Data Systems, flash module, 1.6TB, flash card
In a paper set to be published this week in the scientific journal Nature, IBM researchers are claiming a huge breakthrough in spintronics, a technology that could significantly boost capacity and lower power use of memory and storage ...
Tags: IBM, breakthrough, spintronics, memory and storage devices
Micron will soon buy Elpida for 200bn yen (about $2.5bn), of which 140bn yen will be used to pay off debts, says DRAMeXchange. As the Japanese memory maker currently owes 420bn yen, lenders will have to write off approximately 70% of the ...
Hitachi Data Systems today lifted the covers off its flash roadmap,saying that like EMC,it will put NAND flash products in servers,storage and appliances in order to enable compute acceleration,caching and high-performance storage. HDS ...
Tags: Hitachi Data Systems, EMC, NAND flash products, SSD Controller