Due to high levels of domestic heavy soda ash price, part of glass manufacturers, in order to save costs, resort to low-priced trona imports from the United States. Chen Qiusha, analyst with Chem99, noted that domestic heavy soda ash ...
Tags: glass, decoration
Through the loss in 2012, the price of soda ash will rise at the end of April. In 2013, supplying of soda ash will continue increase. 24.01 million tons of soda ash did not be digested in 2012. However, another 3.2 million tons of new ...
Tags: Soda Ash, Soda Ash Price
(China Glass Network) With stable operation and increasing trading volume of the market, inventory of soda industry has decreased to normal level, which will also drive rising in price of soda ash products. Price of soda industry is now ...