Boulder Canyon Authentic Foods to bring back its popular Thanksgiving meal-flavored potato chips. Turkey & Gravy and Pumpkin Pie kettle-cooked potato chips will be available at select grocers nationwide in 5-ounce bags with a suggested ...
Tags: potato chips, Boulder Canyon
Need a recipe for the perfect Thanksgiving meal? Start your holiday meal off right with an ounce of fire prevention and add a pound of food safety. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), ...
Tags: Thanksgiving meal, recipe, Agriculture
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate family and friends, enjoy the fall harvest, and to stuff our faces full of delicious food. ?No matter your specific traditions, I'm certain the stuffing-of-faces is common across all Thanksgiving tables. ...
Fifty-eight percent of U.S. men say they are primarily responsible for providing meals for their family and most help with Thanksgiving, a survey indicates. The Butterball survey found 1-in-4 men say their household responsibilities are ...
Mobile devices will play a pivotal role this Thanksgiving as the holiday transforms into "Mobile Thursday," the day before Black Friday. Twenty-eight percent of smartphone- or tablet-owning adult holiday shoppers plan to shop on ...
Tags: mobile devices, Mobile Thursday, Black Friday, smartphone, tablet