Apple on Tuesday updated OS X Mountain Lion, likely for one of the last times, with a combination of compatibility and reliability bug fixes as well as vulnerability patches. The update to OS X 10.8.4 -- the first from Apple since ...
Tags: Apple, Lion Bugs, Java Defenses
Unlike rival Microsoft, Apple has consistently been able to get a significant portion of its Mac customers to quickly upgrade to the newest version of OS X, data from a Web measurement company showed. The last three versions of Apple's ...
Tags: Microsoft, Apple, significant portion, Mac customers, OS X
Java 6 will be retired from security support in less than two months, and users and businesses should prepare now for its demise, experts said today. Oracle will publicly patch Java 6 for the last time on Feb. 19, 2013. After that ...
Java 6 will be retired from security support in less than two months, and users and businesses should prepare now for its demise, experts said today. Oracle will publicly patch Java 6 for the last time on Feb. 19, 2013. After that date, ...
Tags: Java 6, security support, Oracle, upgrade
Mac owners still running 2009's OS X 10.6 are not about to give up on the operating system,making arguments strikingly similar to those trotted out by diehard Windows XP users. A news story Monday that cited statistics from Web metrics ...
Tags: Snow Leopard, Windows XP, Rosetta, aka Lion, Mountain Lion, apple
Computerworld-Apple will launch OS X Mountain Lion July 25 if it repeats what it did last year when it announced the then-new Lion a day after its quarterly earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Monday,Apple scheduled its next earnings ...
Tags: OS X, Mountain Lion, OS X 10.7, OS X Snow Leopard