It's still not too late to get a flu shot, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday. Flu activity often peaks in January or February and can last well into May, and a flu shot protects you as long as flu viruses are ...
Tags: flu shot, circulating viruses, drug
It's not possible to predict which viruses will predominate for the entire 2013-14 flu season, but so far pH1N1 is the most prevalent, U.S. officials say. In a notice to clinicians, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in ...
Tags: Health, Medicine, H1N1, Predominant Virus
A vaccine that protects children against four strains of flu may be more effective than the usual three-strain vaccine, a new study suggests. The four-strain (or so-called "quadrivalent") vaccine is available as a nasal spray or an ...
Tags: four strains of flu, quadrivalent, four-strain vaccine, kids health