Global agriculture company Syngenta has completed expansion of its key projects in Brazil and Switzerland to increase its production capacity. It had invested a total of $240m in two Brazilian plants. One of them is the new Elatus ...
Dutch-based life sciences company DSM Food Specialties has gained validation for its testing tool Delvotest T, which helps detect up to 27 antobiotic residues in raw milk and dairy ingredients such as milk powders. A report published by ...
Tags: Dairy Products, Testing Tool
Swiss agribusiness company Syngenta and Dutch-based life sciences company DSM are collaborating to develop microbial-based agricultural solutions such as bio-controls, bio-pesticides and bio-stimulants and plan to commercialize these ...
Tags: Syngenta, DSM, microbial-based solutions
America’s corn processor Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) has sued seed company Syngenta after China refused to import a genetically modified MIR162 corn variety. The lawsuit reportedly argues that Syngenta commercialised this corn ...
Swiss agrochemicals company Syngenta has bought Società Produttori Sementi (PSB), an Italy-based seed firm engaged in durum wheat breeding and production for pasta. The financial terms of the transaction have not been disclosed. ...
China's rejection of US corn that contains an unapproved genetically modified strain is unlikely to cause major price fluctuations in the domestic or US markets, analysts said. Quarantine authorities in four provinces have rejected 12 ...
Tags: US corn, genetically modified strain, price fluctuations
Swiss agrochemicals company Syngenta has agreed to offload its Dulcinea Farms business to Pacific Trellis Fruit, an American grower and marketer of fresh produce. Formed in partnership with Tanimura & Antle, Dulcinea Farms is a vehicle ...
Tags: Syngenta, Pacific Trellis Fruit
China is reviewing a new application to import genetically modified (GM) corn after previous ones were rejected for the reason of insufficient application material, according to the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) on Friday. In March 2010, ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, modified corn
Swiss agrochemicals company Syngenta has unveiled two new products for sugar cane Plene Evolve and Plene PB under its Plene brand. The two new products are claimed to help growers increase yields and plant quality with an assurance of ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, Sugar Cane
Swiss agrochemicals company Syngenta has unveiled CLARIVA, a seed treatment nematicide based on the Pasteuria technology. CLARIVA comprises naturally occurring soil bacteria with a direct mode of action on nematodes, microscopic ...
Swiss agrochemicals company Syngenta has announced that it has received European Union(EU)approval for isopyrazam-a next generation fungicide.This move which is expected to help cereal farmers control fungal diseases and achieve higher crop ...
Tags: generation, fungal diseases, crop yields
Swiss agribusiness company Syngenta has opened a $100m sugarcane processing plant in Brazil. The sugar produced at the plant will be exported to China. Syngenta sugarcane business director Daniel Bachner said that China's increasing ...
Tags: sugarcane processing, sugarcane business, demand for sugar