The US Department of Commerce (DOC) announced Wednesday the final results of its expedited sunset review of the antidumping (AD) order on welded large diameter line pipe from Japan. As expected, the DOC determined that revocation of this ...
Tags: welded large diameter line pipe, US, diameter line pipe
Turkey's leading pipe producer Borusan Mannesmann has announced that it has halted production at its spirally welded pipe facility in the northwestern Turkish city of Kocaeli as of January, as a result of the Sekapark and urban ...
Tags: spirally welded pipe facility, spirally welded pipe, welded pipe
On Friday,the US International Trade Commission(ITC)decided to conduct a full sunset review of the antidumping order on welded large diameter line pipe from Japan. The ITC found that the responses from the domestic industry and from ...
Tags: ITC, Full sunset review, Japan, US